Are you Reactive or Productive? If you’re proactive, be constant on your path because you have strong dedication to make things happen. You know how to overcome problems before it happens. Being reactive is just the opposite of this. You lack dedication and start reacting when the problem occurs without controlling it. Keep reading this article to know how to be proactive in your everyday life!
Proactivity or Productivity!
Both of them are important to make us effective. Productivity helps in getting more positive outcomes and following goals/targets of our life. Proactive is more demanding because it helps in self-involvement, self-development. Being proactive means having a self-driven goal to achieve something better. As an individual and employee we need both of these two. To fight this difficult situation, we need to work both productively and proactively. You may try and connect here.
Follow these tips to be proactive at work!
Motivation can lead to increase productivity. Boost up your motivation and productivity to achieve higher outcomes. If you need take free/paid personal productivity tutorial through online mode. They will help you to learn how to manage time properly, how to be more productive as well as proactive etc.
Reactive to Proactive Time Management!
Shifting your reactive time management to productive is quite easy. Start deciding when, where, how, why you are going to act and do some productive works. This decision in your mind will change your reactive approach to proactive time management. Avoid doing these from today to become proactive: If someone is calling you receiving the call immediately, you received an email and start replying leaving other works undone, someone came at your office with some serious issues and you’re busy chatting with others. If you don’t know how to control your mind you cannot do anything productive. Make a timely routine to reply all your official emails, call back and solve if there is any issue, listen to others and act accordingly. Find out time when you can finish all critical and tough works without any interruptions. Follow these steps: Turn off our mobile phone and work peacefully, place a Do Not Disturb symbol at the door while doing some serious works, and feel free to say No when you don’t want any extra work load which is better than unnecessary promises.
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