Is it not true that often people are so engrossed in doing something that they can not even enjoy vacation? Even we look at the modern cityscape we find people rushing from morning to night to various places in order to do something or other. But why do we do this? This is because our brains want us to work in such a way.
The Psychology of over working:
Certainly, there are benefits of working less. Actually, we can have more time for several other things like hobbies, friends, family, health. Maybe we can work or bigger and bitter projects. There are of course less obvious benefits such as improving creativity and productivity.
The tendency to work more than we need even that tells upon our productivity health or personal relationships – maybe inherent in the way humans have evolved. As some have suggested, evolutionary pressures to survive and reproduce shaped the human brains. This is inextricably linked to the consistent problems faced by hunter-gatherer ancestors. Actually, our thought process, our feelings and behaviour of today are the results of the total experience of our ancestors in the past. Our brains actually are not wired to decide how much work we need to accomplish. The tendency of the brains is propelling us to survive and reproduce. Our brains are anxious about survival and reproductions even if that may be harmful for us in the future.
Signs that we are working to the point of our demise: –
TO sum up, working more has certainly some benefits. Working more can help us accumulate more money if we do the right work. Sometimes our anxieties to do more may be justified. Maybe we need to work more to survive. But very often working more can do more harm to us than good.
Now the question is, what is the solution? The simple solution to workaholic is to work less and stay away from unnecessary projects and responsibilities. The complex solution lies in the productivity apps, time-management and even prescription drugs.
How to work less, survive and prosper?
Our brains want us to do more works. But it needs critical thinking on our part as to how much we need to work. However, being conscious about the tendency of our brain we can make healthier decisions.
How can we adjust to our brains’ impulses?
First of all, we should list out the priorities for our meaningful life.
Secondly, we have to explore the underlying issues about what we want to achieve. We often work hard to make more money in order to overcome insecurity. But money is not all. So we have to be rational about our aims and work accordingly.
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